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Lunch Bunch

November 21, 2019 @ 12:00 am

Over the last few weeks, the congregation has been asked to donate granola bars and applesauce cups for the Sunday School Mission Project — Lunch Bunch.
Lunch Bunch is a program in which the children in Sunday School assemble approximately 200 bag lunches during their lesson time.  Then, on the following Wednesday, all those lunches are taken to The First Presbyterian Church in Elizabeth, and given to our Agape guests as they leave the building after dinner.
On Sunday, November 17th, the Sunday School children enthusiastically assembled bag lunches that were to be delivered to the Agape guests on Wednesday.  In true “Assembly Line” fashion, the children made and wrapped a sandwich, then gathered a bottle of water, a granola bar, an applesauce cup and put everything into a bag.  They then counted, boxed, and stored the lunches so they would not spoil before Wednesday’s delivery.
By participating in this activity, the children learn the importance of showing kindness to others, and how to put their faith into action.

Lunch Bunch (1)

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