Westminster Hall Construction and Campus Drainage Program Projects

August 2019

Click to enlarge photos of the updated construction project in front of Westminster Hall.

February 2019

Office and Property is pleased to announce that as of March 1, weather permitting, the Westminster Hall and Campus Drainage Program Projects will begin. Services will continue in Westminster Hall, which will require an interior barrier be put in place at the main entrance, with entry and egress through the side entrances of the building. The work at the main entrance will include the “loft/balcony” windows, as well. Signage will be in place directing our members and visitors to the entrances, and, if needed a protected pathway will be established for easy access from the street. We expect the overall work to take 90 days, weather permitting. Please direct any questions to Lou Ann Kaplonski (lkaplonski@westfieldpc.org) in the church office.