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Have you ever experienced an unexpected act of generosity that restores your faith in humanity?


Did you know that small, everyday acts of kindness contribute to our daily happiness?


Where have you seen goodness in your life either at work or at home? Take a moment to be grateful for someone who has been good to you when you least expected it.


Next time you feel a strong emotion rising, take a deep breath and pause before reacting. How does this moment of self-control impact the situation?
What temptations do you struggle with? Practice working on one each week. Ask a friend to join you to stay accountable.
Are you very busy? It's so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day. Try to incorporate mindfulness (and prayer!) into your life to enhance self-awareness and self-control.

The Presbyterian Church in Westfield
Affinity Groups & Activities

There are a multitude of ways to engage in the life of PCW
with opportunities for participation that are both recurring and one-time.
PCW ministries are organized in four areas: 
Worship, Family, Congregational Life and Support.
Read on to learn more about where you can use your Spiritual Gift(s) in our community of faith.
If you wish to participate, volunteer and/or lead, 
contact the PCW church office (908-233-0301) 
and let them know which PCW Affinity Group(s) and/or Activities interest you.