
Refresh Adult Bible Study


QUESTIONS JESUS ASKED   The scriptures overflow with questions. Some questions come from the disciples, some from the casual observer, and of course the scribes and pharisees loved to confront Jesus with trick questions. Yet, some of the most pressing questions are those asked by Jesus. Join us on Tuesday afternoons at 4:00pm for about one hour as,…

Congregational Meeting

Sanctuary 140 Mountain Avenue, Westfield, NJ, United States

CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Sunday, June 27, 2021 A Meeting of the Congregation of The Presbyterian Church in Westfield, New Jersey is called for June 27, 2021 immediately following the 10am Worship Services. The meeting will be held in the Sanctuary for the purpose of hearing and acting upon the report from The Associate Pastor for Children,…


Talks With Tom


DO YOU REMEMBER A series on forgotten characters in the Bible There are many characters that make a brief appearance in the Bible. Most are mentioned only once, never to be heard of again. Yet, they are some of the most intriguing actors in God’s unfolding drama of love and grace. As Konstanin Stanislavski once…


Racial Injustice Dialogues


You are invited to learn more about racial injustice in America and to engage in dialogue on this important subject with Susan Dougherty and Carolyn Fleder in a three-month (twice per month) discussion on Zoom. We plan to ‘meet’ for one hour starting at 10am on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays beginning July through September.  It will involve a…